Policies & Procedures

Every area in Giant Leap nursery has a rigorous Policy and Procedure for how things are carried out and completed.


We maintain our outstanding practice through continuous improvement, quality audits and self-evaluation.


Here are some of our most important Policies and Procedures that we feel you should be aware of. You can view all of our Policies and Procedures in our nursery’s reception or by speaking to any member of our team.


Please note our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) are Mrs Jade T. and Miss Rosie G. both can be contacted via our telephone number on 01282 425893 or via email at info@giantleapchildcare.co.uk.

Partnership with Parents
Promoting Positive Behaviour
Safeguarding Children
Special Educational Needs
Inclusion & Equality
Sickness & Illness
Visits & Outings
Early Learning Opportunities Statement
SEN and Disability. Local Offer: Early Years Settings


01282 425893